Burglaries on every street, old ladies held at gunpoint, young women raped. These are things you would expect in the harsh central city parts of Los Angeles, not in a suburban neighborhood.
For the past six months, Regis Way and its neighboring streets have been plagued with criminal activity, including theft, burglary, and even rape. However, the residents on Regis are taking action.
Recently, the neighborhood has formed a Neighborhood Watch program and held weekly meetings to help prevent crime on our street. This included posting signs that say "Westchester Neighborhood Watch is watching!" (a little too 'Big Brotherish' for my taste, but effective) on front lawns and street lamps, as well as putting orange R stickers on dashboards to prove you are a resident of the area.
The LAPD works in conjunction with the program, and the Neighborhood Watch program has proven to be very effective against crime. Hooray to Regis Way for keeping me safe!
For more information about Westchester/Playa Neighborhood Watch, click on the link below.
The website provides valuable information about how watch programs work, how to start a neighborhood watch on your street, and what having a watch does to help create a greater awareness of and fight crime in your area.
Wow, very scary. It's funny, because I feel like so often people say you would never expect that to happen here! I do it all the time! I was in a really low-income neighborhood, where a close fried of mine lived. My first instinct was to ask her how crime was in the neighborhood. And she told me they have never had any incidents, even before she had moved there. Makes you think, where our conceptions of what occurrences take place where. And whenever they don't we act like it is abnormal and are taken aback. Maybe there is no such thing as normal... Anything could happen everywhere. Regardless, Be safe Courtney!
ReplyDeleteThis makes me want to do a blog about safety!